Which countries will produce the most wheat in 2023?

These days there’s a lot of talk about wheat import and export. But: which countries will produce the most wheat in 2023? As reported by exportsnews.com, all the world’s largest and most densely populated countries are looking to increase wheat production to meet the growing need of their populations. China will undoubtedly be, by 2023, the world’s leading wheat producer. Thanks to its climate and soil characteristics it’s allowed to produce a wide variety of crops.

The country’s cereals production is expected to reach 694 million tons. Next we have India, USA, Brazil and #Russia, whose forecasts give a production of 90 to 120 million tons by 2023. The first European country is #France, with about 60 million tons. And what about #Ukraine? It’s hard to make predictions, but production is generally 25 million tons per year, with 18 of them being sold abroad.

Photo by Bruno from Pixabay