Air Cargo Dynamics: E-commerce Surge, Supply Chain Shifts, and Growing Challenges

Air cargo demand is surging due to the rapid growth of e-commerce, disruptions in ocean shipping, and the imperative for diversified supply chains. Speaking at the IATA World Cargo Symposium Xeneta’s Niall van de Wouw identified container shipping trust, consumer behavior, and supply chain de-risking as key factors. E-commerce expansion fuels demand, but environmental concerns may shift preference to ocean shipping. Tom Owen of Cathay Cargo stressed the need for specialized services amid the rising dominance of e-commerce in major hubs. Supply chain diversification, exemplified by China+1 strategies, and the growing perishables market also impact air cargo dynamics.

Air cargo demand is shaped by e-commerce growth, disrupted ocean shipping, and the quest for resilient supply chains. Niall van de Wouw highlighted container shipping trust, consumer trends, and supply chain de-risking.

While e-commerce propels demand, environmental awareness may favor ocean shipping. Tom Owen emphasized adapting networks for e-commerce, and the industry’s need for agility. Supply chain diversification, illustrated by China+1 strategies, and a thriving perishables market contribute to the evolving air cargo landscape.
